11.03.2022 - 22.12.2022
Lineup, Artworks and all information on www.knotenpunkt.net
With the Knotenpunkt the Affenfaust Galerie presents the largest Urban Contemporary Art exhibition in Northern Europe. Until the end of the year well over 1000 artistic positions will be experienced on 400m².
The Knotenpunkt sees itself as a flexible fabric that dynamically evolves during its duration. New ideas are developed, connections are made and plans are forged. The artworks on display will be presented in a constant rotation, so that returning visitors can witness how new visual axes emerge and how undiscovered contexts are created through the interaction of the works.
While temporary solo exhibitions are shown in the front part of the Affenfaust Galerie as well as in the Paul Roosen Contemporary, the back space of the gallery becomes a hub for artists and all those who are passionate about art and a vibrant urban culture from April to the end of December.
The varying spectrum of artistic works will be accessible online and for sale throughout the entire period. This year’s exhibition concept thus explores the boundaries between studio, gallery, festival as well as virtual space.
11.03.2022 - 22.12.2022
The show is over.