Related Patterns | Affenfaust Galerie

02.02.2024 - 02.03.2024

Coco Bergholm &

Related Patterns

"Painting must be able to grow out of its own head," explains Bus126 in an interview with ‘Kunstforum’ magazine. The artist is known for his large-scale experimental paintings, which can be found in abandoned places, on bridges, trains and houses. His works are often created collectively and always in symbiosis with their environments.

In the exhibition RELATED PATTERNS, he presents his glass paintings, which already have a special effect due to their transparent medium: The paint-covered glasses, are translucent and thus form visual and changing points of reflection with their surroundings. Furthermore, the exhibition includes paintings, fabric works and the film GLITCHES by the artist Coco Bergholm.

Coco Bergholm has been exploring and testing camouflage strategies and associated surface structures in her artistic work for years. In the urban space, these include camouflaging clothes, make-up or painted house walls. Conceptually, she repeatedly interweaves her art with questions about privacy and the public sphere. Like her artist colleague Bus126, Bergholm also understands public space as a kind of interwoven dynamic surface whose poetry is basically accessible to everyone.


02.02.2024 - 02.03.2024


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