2020 - in case of
Größe: 15 cm x 14 cm x 14 cm
Edition von: 20
Nummeriert: Ja
Signiert: Yes with certificate
Jahr: 2020

Our personal artwork of the year!
"2020 – in case of" by Tony Futura & Joachim Bosse.

Tony Futura and Joachim Bosse objectify the absurdity of consumerism during crisis and recontextualise the inherent cultural element of hoarding. Serving as an hommage to Duchamps revolutionary artwork "Fountain" (1917) their personal artwork of the year 2020 contradicts his approach to readymades. Readymades are every day objects, that become a work of art by the act of selection and designation. Futuras and Bosses readyuse is an art piece, yet can be taken out of its context and can be reused in a functional way in case of. As the artists say: "In difficult times just think inside the box."

2020 – in case of

Our personal artwork of the year! "2020 – in case of" by Tony Futura & Joachim Bosse. Tony Futura and Joachim Bosse objectify the absurdity of consumerism during crisis and recontextualise the inherent cultural element of hoarding. Serving as an hommage to Duchamps revolutionary artwork "Fountain" (1917) their personal artwork of the year 2020 contradicts his approach to readymades. Readymades are every day objects, that become a work of art by the act of selection and designation. Futuras and Bosses readyuse is an art piece, yet can be taken out of its context and can be reused in a functional way in case of. As the artists say: "In difficult times just think inside the box."
Mehr über 2020 – in case of
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