In August 2021, the mural "Anatta" was created as part of the creative reuse of the World War II bunker in Hamburg-Altona. The large-scale painting on the outer facade of the bunker represents a premiere in two respects: First, it is the first mural painted in that interlocking style, and second, it is the first facade work to give 1010 a title. "Anatta" is a key term in Buddhist teachings and translates as "non-self" or "non-me." So what we commonly define as "self" is in this sense rather understood as a conglomerate of constantly changing physical as well as psychological components. The doctrine of "Anatta" thus tries to encourage us to break away from the idea of a fixed core of being.
The project was organized and realized by the Affenfaust Galerie in cooperation with the KEBAP (KulturEnergieBunkerAltonaProjekt) association, which is committed to turning the bunker into a cultural center including alternative energy supply.
Find more info here.

1010, lives and works in Hamburg. His art deals with language, with symbols and signs, with the automatisms of our perception, as well as with the structures of our society. In his works on paper he consciously uses a beautiful aesthetic to bring a critical topic closer to the viewer. Skilfully he lures the eye past gently balanced color nuances down into an illusory black abyss. In his acrylic paintings of bird worms, on the other hand, he rather creates a gloomy atmosphere with the writhing monochrome creatures. 1010 is a conceptualist. His art does not explain itself. It is based on a well thought-out system that has been developed again and again in recent years. He reflects this in his murals, paintings and works on paper.
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