1010 – ANATTA
The internationally renowned artist 1010 (tenten) creates illusionary spaces with his serial and conceptual works. His art explores the structures of our everyday perception: How much can we rely on our perception? To what extent is it a product of experience, random stimuli or our powers of imagination? His latest mural "Anatta" is part of the creative repurposing of the World War II bunker in Hamburg-Altona. The large-scale painting on the bunker's exterior façade represents a premiere in two respects: First, it is the first mural painted in that interlocking style, and second, it is the first facade work to give 1010 a title. "Anatta" is a key term in Buddhist teachings and translates as "non-self" or "non-me." So what we commonly define as "self" is in this sense rather understood as a conglomerate of constantly changing physical as well as psychological components. The doctrine of "Anatta" thus seeks to encourage us to break away from the notion of a fixed core of being.
With regard to the creative conversion of the bunker, the work "Anatta" allows further points of contact and associations. Thus, in addition to the ever-changing "self", it could also be emblematic of the perpetually changing world in general. The seemingly flowing color planes could equally be understood as a climate map, as cultural meeting spaces or as a source of energy (in the concrete and figurative sense).
The project was organized and realized by the Affenfaust Gallery in cooperation with the KEBAP association (KulturEnergieBunkerAltonaProjekt), which is committed to turning the bunker into a cultural center including an alternative energy supply.
With regard to the creative conversion of the bunker, the work "Anatta" allows further points of contact and associations. Thus, in addition to the ever-changing "self", it could also be emblematic of the perpetually changing world in general. The seemingly flowing color planes could equally be understood as a climate map, as cultural meeting spaces or as a source of energy (in the concrete and figurative sense).
The project was organized and realized by the Affenfaust Gallery in cooperation with the KEBAP association (KulturEnergieBunkerAltonaProjekt), which is committed to turning the bunker into a cultural center including an alternative energy supply.
Kebap e.V.
Schomburgstraße, Altona-Altstadt
August 2021