Corinna Holthusen
Conceptual photographer Corinna Holthusen is known for her ambivalent portraits that hold up a mirror to today's ideals of beauty and the artificiality associated with them.
Her large-scale representations of the body and face, in which the focus is mostly on the mouth and eyes, raise questions about perfection, death, and eternity. Fields of tension between fascination and shudder arise. In a first step, Holthusen photographs her models in the studio, but creates new, idealized photoprint portraits from scratch by digitally superimposing different physiognomies. Holthusen then works on the photoprints created by the complex image editing process with acrylic paint, spray paint, or liquid glue mixtures, breaking up the previous idealized smoothness to some extent through haptic intervention.
Corinna Holthusen lives and works in Hamburg. After studying art in Florence, she studied photography in Milan and specialized in image processing. Holthusen's work has won numerous awards and been exhibited internationally.