17.03.2023 - 15.04.2023
Philipp Liehr
With his solo exhibition "Weltraumgeschichten“ Philipp Liehr takes us to faraway spheres by populating the Paul Roosen Contemporary with his astronaut sculptures. In various formats and sculpted from lime wood, they leave us viewers with a wide range of interpretations: who do you think is underneath the suit? What would everyday life on the moon look like? To what extent do suits and masks influence our social life? The mostly humorous accessories Liehr equips his characters with provide inspiration for further questions to the anonymous beings.
The imaginary space travel also lets us take a look back to childhood, when we got to know and love astronauts as toy figures. But a look into the future is also possible: for example, the idea of Moon Village, i.e. a settlement on the moon, could be realized before the end of this decade.
The artist and wood sculptor Philipp Liehr is particularly known for his contemporary sculptures, which are characterized by their richness of detail and extraordinary physicality. The organically incorporated nuances literally bring the wood to life.
17.03.2023 - 15.04.2023
The show is over.