10.04.2021 - 08.05.2021
Björn Holzweg
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Björn Holzweg's works remind us of an often forgotten but coexisting world that lies far from the urban habitat: nature with its wealth of animals and plants that form a fragile ecosystem.
His drawings, sculptures, and paintings introduce us to the paradox that while our human life is conditioned by "Mother Nature," we domesticate and exploit it for our own purposes. At the same time, his works connect the dualism of nature and culture both figuratively and by allowing his exhibitions and murals to be caught within urban space. In his art, Holzweg also involves fictional, ironic and autobiographical aspects that value the processes of urbanization not only as the destruction of nature, but equally as a playing field for art, culture and individual development.
Björn Holzweg has been represented in solo and group exhibitions by Affenfaust Gallery since 2012. His large-scale depictions of animals and nature adorn facades from Hamburg to Los Angeles. The Hamburg harbor launch "Hanseat" or the Monopteros in Eppendorf's Hayns Park are also designed by Holzweg.
10.04.2021 - 08.05.2021
The show is over.