+++ We are taking a summer break until September 13 +++ Next exhibition KNOTENPUNKT24 +++ The online store remains open +++
Broken Screen (Christoph Engelhard)
Größe: 30 cm x 40 cm
Jahr: 2019
Signiert: auf der Rückseite signiert
gerahmt: Ja

Zerkall 250 gr, Tiefdruck

Various & Gould

The Berlin artist duo Various & Gould has been working in close collaboration since 2005. The two studied at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee (KHB) and each graduated in 2010. Various & Gould are often border crossers in different fields. They represent the simple but effective formula: 1 + 1 = 3. Shared interests such as a love for paper, an enthusiasm for accidental beauty in everyday life and, above all, working in public space, form the basis for their collaboration. Screen printing and collage are their specialties here. In a mostly playful way, they tackle socially relevant issues. Their works are influenced by (political) poster graphics, Dada and Pop Art.
Mehr über Various & Gould
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