+++ We are taking a summer break until September 13 +++ Next exhibition KNOTENPUNKT24 +++ The online store remains open +++

inkl. MwSt / ohne Versand

Größe: 72 cm x 60 cm
Signiert: auf der Rückseite signiert
gerahmt: Nein

23 Colour SCREEN PRINT, on 300 gsm Somerset Paper, with 24ct Gold Leaf

72 x 60 cm (28x23.5 inches)

James Bullough

James Bullough is an American born artist living and working in Berlin, Germany. His studio paintings, and huge monumentally scaled site-specific murals combine delicately handled realistic portraiture with harsh graphic distortion and abstraction. Inspired by the gritty urban graffiti he saw as a young artist growing up in Washington, DC, Bullough harnessed it’s en- ergy and edge while teaching himself more traditional realistic oil painting techniques by studying the Old Masters. Combining the momentum of the one and the technical precision of the other, his work is about staging compelling contrasts and juxtapositions. Whether working with spray paint on massive facades or oils in his studio, Bullough’s work strikes a delicate balance between realistic portraiture and stylized distortions, straddling the space between traditional and contemporary. Bullough’s studio work has been exhibited at numerous galleries, muse- ums, and art fairs across the globe and with multiple sold out solo shows to his name his work continues to be in high demand. His murals can be found world wide with landmark pieces in New Zealand, Sweden, France, Germany, The Ukraine, and throughout the US.
Mehr über James Bullough
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