Nachtlichter | Affenfaust Galerie

25.04.2025 - 17.05.2025

Dirk Jung


Dirk Jung, known as DIOK, dedicates his painting to the special atmosphere of nocturnal scenes. His works show urban places in the dark - streets, squares, sources of light - and at the same time dissolve them into an abstract blur. The scenes seem familiar and distant at the same time.

This blurring is no coincidence, but a deliberate stylistic device. DIOK removes the clear contours from his motifs and creates a diffuse, almost dreamlike perception. It is like looking through squinted eyes into a dazzling light source. The overlapping areas of color are reminiscent of the sensory overload of a night-time drive through the city - neon lights, traffic lights, headlights reflected in puddles.

Yet each picture remains committed to a real place. DIOK finds his motifs in night-time strolls through the city, photographs them and transfers them onto wood or aluminum dibond with a spray can. The picture titles give a clear indication of the origin of the scene - but the viewer's eye has to find its way through the blur. Some places are immediately decipherable, others remain enigmatic.

At first glance, the works seem to resemble each other - dark backgrounds, radiant light sources, blurred reflections. But over time, their individuality reveals itself: the stored color nuances, the lighting moods, the subtle structure of the compositions tell of specific places and moments.

Fittingly, the Paul Roosen Contemporary exhibition space provides the perfect stage for these nocturnal impressions. The black walls reinforce the impression of standing in the middle of darkness - surrounded by shimmering light that refracts in the works. The night is not only depicted here, but transported directly into the room.

With “Nachtlichter”, DIOK invites us to see the city anew at night - blurred, ambiguous and yet full of memories.


25.04.2025 - 17.05.2025

Openings hours

Vernissage, 25.4., 19-23 Uhr. Eintritt frei! Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Samstag, 14-18 Uhr. Eintritt frei!


Paul Roosen Contemporary


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