
inkl. MwSt / ohne Versand


This work is part of the current show and can only be picked up or shipped after the end of the exhibition.

Größe: 97 cm x 69 cm
Jahr: 2024

Garbage bags on plywood

Dieses Kunstwerk ist Teil von Knotenpunkt - Der Urban Contemporary Art Groupshow. Das internationale Programm und alle Informationen auf www.knotenpunkt.net.

Hier klicken für die Knotenpunkt23 Werksübersicht.

Torsten Mühlbach

For the artist Torsten Mühlbach, one thing is clear: “Art is not a privilege, but a staple that everyone should need and have at their disposal”. His work cannot be pigeonholed. He uses his art as a mouthpiece and commentary on current topics from the media, society and politics, which are characterized by references to comic, pop, trash culture and the history of art and religion, among others, in order to force us to take a closer look and take a stand. Lilly Berger (Filser & Gräf Gallery)
Mehr über Torsten Mühlbach
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