Moonwalk with Laika
Size: 25 cm x 18 cm x 18 cm
Year: 2023
Signed: Yes

Der Künstler und Holzbildhauer Philipp Liehr ist insbesondere für seine zeitgenössischen Skulpturen bekannt, die sich durch ihren Detailreichtum und außergewöhnliche Körperlichkeit auszeichnen. Die organisch eingearbeiteten Nuancen lassen das Holz regelrecht zum Leben erwecken.

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Philipp Liehr

Liehr's imaginary space journey also evokes nostalgic memories of our childhood, when we got to know astronauts as toys and comic figures. However, Liehr uses small, humorous accessories to deliberately focus on the human element, while any heroism fades into the background. The anonymous creatures also inspire self-reflection: Through the combination of the hidden facial expressions as well as the humorous, sometimes absurd, everyday accessories, the figures also reflect facets of our own identity to a certain extent. The wood sculptor Philipp Liehr is known for his contemporary sculptures, which are characterized by a wealth of detail and extraordinary physicality. He stands out in particular for his fine feel for surfaces such as skin or fabrics. He first developed his extraordinary dexterity as a dental technician, refined it while drawing comics and perfected it during his training as a sculptor. In his artistic work, it finally finds expression in Liehr's unique style. Liehr's art has received several awards and has been presented in numerous exhibitions and trade fairs. He currently lives and works in Halle an der Saale.
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