
inkl. MwSt / ohne Versand


This work is part of the current show and can only be picked up or shipped after the end of the exhibition.

Größe: 55 cm x 100 cm
Jahr: 2024

Acrylics and spray can on canvas

Dieses Kunstwerk ist Teil von Knotenpunkt - Der Urban Contemporary Art Groupshow. Das internationale Programm und alle Informationen auf

Hier klicken für die Knotenpunkt23 Werksübersicht.

Mina Mania

The Berlin-based artist shows herself anonymously to the public with self-designed masks. She expresses her energy and strength in drawings, paintings and fashion creations, with which she is particularly appreciated in the international hip hop and graffiti scene. She has realised art projects all over the world, designs fashion for her performances and has already participated in music videos by Samy Deluxe, among others. With her multifaceted and self-confident artwork, she also poses questions about social role models. With her diva-like female figures, which she calls Nanas, Mina Mania alludes allegorically to the world-famous Nana sculptures by the French artist Niki de Saint Phalle and adapts these iconic figures and their spirit to the present.
Mehr über Mina Mania
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