Klandestin 3

inkl. MwSt / ohne Versand

Größe: 80 cm x 60 cm
Jahr: 2020
Signiert: auf der Rückseite signiert

Acryl auf Leinwand

Dieses Kunstwerk ist Teil von Knotenpunkt - Der Urban Contemporary Art Groupshow. Das internationale Programm und alle Informationen auf www.knotenpunkt.net.

Hier klicken für die Knotenpunkt23 Werksübersicht.

Klara Schoell

Klara Schoell is a painter from Hamburg. Her painting is a play between preservation and destruction, an interaction of different emotional states. This manifests itself in many layers and transparencies on the canvas and thus creates its very own color tone. A painting often accompanies the artist over a longer period of time. Klara Schoell begins a painting intuitively, abstractly and expressively. Only after some time does she begin to organize the resulting surfaces and commit herself to a concrete motif. She shows sensitive moments from her life that invite us to associate our own experiences.
Mehr über Klara Schoell
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