Pixelated Girl

inkl. MwSt / ohne Versand


This work is part of the current show and can only be picked up or shipped after the end of the exhibition.

Größe: 56 cm x 40 cm
Jahr: 2024

Mixed Media

Dieses Kunstwerk ist Teil von Knotenpunkt - Der Urban Contemporary Art Groupshow. Das internationale Programm und alle Informationen auf www.knotenpunkt.net.

Hier klicken für die Knotenpunkt23 Werksübersicht.

André Schulze - Werke online

Zeige alles von André Schulze

André Schulze

André Schulze (*1982) is an artist and painting conservator from Dresden, Germany who specializes in the restoration and remodeling of old paintings. He studied fine arts and graduated with diploma in his hometown Dresden 2011. The artist uses old original paintings from private collectors, antique- and thift stores. He thoroughly restores the often badly damaged old paintings, before he is painting them with his art. Through the restoration of the artworks and his modern interpretation, he is seeing his work as a second life for forgotten artworks and make them accessible to the public. In his art he tries to treat the paintings with respect and not to destroy them. He wants to enrich the paintings with his art and associate them with our present time.  
Mehr über André Schulze
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